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Battle Lines: Rafah invasion, protests in Georgia

Join The Telegraph’s top journalists as they analyse the top defence, security & foreign affairs stories and tell you what you need to know

In this episode of Battle Lines, we speak to The Telegraph’s Middle East correspondent, Natalia Vasilyeva, about why the invasion of Rafah is back on the agenda, and what we know about Israel’s attack on Iran one week on. Then we catch up with Russia and Caucasus correspondent James Kilner to hear about the mass protests in Georgia and how a shadowy billionaire figure with links to the Kremlin is driving the unrest.
Across the world, from Europe to Asia, from the Americas to the Middle East, tensions are rising between nation states as the traditional alliances and alignments evolve in the 21st century. 
2024 sees war in Europe and Israel, and elections in major economies, from the US and the UK to Taiwan. Insurgencies flare in Yemen and Burma, tensions escalate in East Africa, and all around the world the international security architecture buckles under increasing pressure.
Battle Lines, a new podcast from The Telegraph, combines on-the-ground reporting with analytical expertise to help the listener to better understand the course of world politics, wars and tensions, as fault lines grind and slip in an increasingly dangerous and confusing multipolar world.
Listen to Battle Lines using the audio player in this article or on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon Music, or your favourite podcast app.
