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This brain teaser is ‘only for genius’. Can you solve it in ten seconds?

A brain teaser was shared online, claiming it is ‘only for genius’ and that only they can answer it. Shared on Instagram’s Threads, the teaser asks people to guess the number that should come in place of a question mark. Do you consider yourself a puzzle master? If so, solve this teaser to prove your mettle.
“Which number is missing? Only genius can answer this,” reads the caption to the brain teaser shared on Instagram’s Threads. The brain teaser shows a wheel where numbers are written. At the centre is number 5. All you need to do is figure out the number in place of the question mark.
The teaser was shared a few hours ago on Threads. It has since then collected hundreds of likes and comments.
“I think five should go there,” posted an individual.
Another claimed, “It’s one. Trust me. I’m a genius.”
“I’m thinking. It’s one because the top half is multiplication through five and the bottom would just be the opposite so division through five,” expressed a third.
A fourth commented, “It would be one for many reasons.”
“Very interesting. I can make an argument for one and an equally valid argument for 25. I cannot make an answer that works universally. I do find it amusing how many people are positive they have the ‘right’ answer,” shared a fifth.
A sixth chimed in, “If you multiply, the answers are on the button, so why would 25 be at the top? If you divide all the answers, they would be at the top, so the right answer is 1. I’m far from being a genius, but it makes sense to me. I guess.”
